NOTE: Existing members can skip to the bottom to find the full 20-page issue.
We asked a ton of ValueWalk readers what their #1 goal was for improving their value investing.
Can you guess what they said?
No, it wasn’t more coverage of Apple or Tesla, those are already well covered by the likes of CNBC, sell side firms and blogs.
Nor was it more coverage of risky leveraged trades, ETNs.
They wanted good small-cap investment ideas that are vetted and have liquidity, but not well covered by Wall Street, Bloomberg, CNBC, sell-side analysts, blogs or even closed sites like SumZero or Value Investing Club.
This answer makes sense: we all want to collect more winners in our portfolio.
But after following investments of ultra-famous investors (Buffett, Dalio, Icahn), reading diligently through 10-Qs at night, and even combing through article after article on obscure forums and blogs, it can be hard to find qualified “special situation” ideas that aren’t already widely known.
So, to meet this key need of our readers, ValueWalk launched the Hidden Value Stock newsletter.
The Hidden Value Stock newsletter is a 20+ page deep dive report that gives you detailed analysis behind specific small and mid cap stocks that two under-the-radar value investing hedge funds like, as well as interviews with the fund managers about their investing process.
The latest issue of Hidden Value Stocks is out this week and if you want to sign up to receive an issue.