Welcome to the Q3 2024 issue of Hidden Value Stocks from Hedge Fund Alpha (formerly ValueWalk Premium). We’re still going to publish four quarterly issues this year, but we’re kicking it up a notch by making them advance issues that hit your inbox as soon as the quarter begins.
Some big things are happening here at HFA. We’re still busy behind the scenes, rolling out significant improvements for the site. If you haven’t been on the site recently, you’ll notice some significant improvements in design, speed, and functionality since we launched the new site in March.
We have also added Hidden Value Stocks to the Hedge Fund Alpha site so that subscribers now have a single login for all subscription content on the site and for our quarterly newsletter. If you do not have your password or have any questions, please reach out to us. We’re excited to roll out the other new features we’re working on right now, so stay tuned for those.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Hidden Value Stocks. Please contact us at [email protected] with any comments, questions or suggestions.
This issue features Daniel Barker and Eric Almeraz of Apis Capital and Quentin Velleley of Third Avenue.
Now without further ado, here’s more on both firms and their top two under-the-radar value picks.
Jacob Wolinsky, Founder, Hedge Fund Alpha
Michelle deBoer-Jones, Editor-in-Chief, Hedge Fund Alpha