This page contains various stock watchlists to try to help investors find undervalued stocks. Some of theses tools were designed by my good friend Adib of
Portfolio Tracking And Watchlist Stocks/a> (close ended fund details) (a great tool to calculate various returns on your investment. You can put in initial investment, time horizon, expected return, expected inflation, tax rate, and annual investments).
Mutual Fund Expense Calculator-This calculator can help you analyze the costs associated with buying shares in a mutual fund. By entering a few pieces of information, found in your fund's prospectus, you can see the impact of fees and operating expenses on your investment.
Stocks with Highest Piotroski Scores
Graham Number (NCAV) Stock Screen
S&P 500 Map Heatmap (great tools)
Dividend Yield Ranking for the S&P 500 by Company And Industry
General watchlist and Portfolio tracker
Watchlists by Greg Speicher
Companies in the Value Line Investment Survey universe which have one of the following characteristics: 1) high return on equity over the past ten years, 2) high growth in book value over the past ten years, or 3) strong sponsorship by top value investors.
Return on assets (5 yr avg) > 12%; P/E < 10
Morningstar Screens