Sohn Hong Kong 2024: Converium, Tybourne, Japan Catalyst, Oasis, Palliser And More

HFA Padded
Jacob Wolinsky
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The Karen Leung Foundation hosted its Annual Next Wave Sohn Hong Kong and the Sohn Hong Kong Investment Leaders Conference on May 23rd, 2024. The Next Wave program component gives the next generation of emerging hedge managers a forum to present their investment ideas in the same format as the main Sohn event.

The Sohn Conference Hong Kong, in partnership with the globally recognized Sohn Conference Foundation, is a must-attend event in Asia providing a forum for successful professional investors to present a market view or investment idea, allowing attendees such as sell and buy-side investment professionals, asset allocators, and private investors to gain valuable insights from leaders in the field. Additionally, the conference supports a great cause as all proceeds of the event go to help treat women with gynaecological cancer.

Do you live in New York, Connecticut, London etc. and could not make it to Hong Kong? Fear not! We will have full coverage of the event.

See speaker line-up below

Also check out our Sohn New York 2024 coverage here.

Conference Summary

Full 2024 Sohn Hong Kong Conference in-depth summary here.

Next Wave Speakers

Chao Wang - Founder & Chief Investment Officer, ForwardEdge Investment. See Chao Wang Of ForwardEdge Investments Likes This Asian Online Recruitment Company.

Daniel Rupp - Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Parkway Capital Limited pitched a Chinese global leader in industrials with a great market share, good governance, immune to tariffs, fair valuation and a massive discount/arbitrage opportunity by buying the shares on the German market. See the equity thesis here.

Michel Zhang - Founding Partner & CIO, Peach Creek Capital. See the presentation here - Peach Creek Capital: This Mid-Cap Stock With 80% Market share Is Nearly Immune To Competition And Has 100X Upside.

Wendy Chen - Founder & CIO, Sigmoid Capital spoke about the bullish case for this "Japanese hidden gem" stock. You can find her thesis on the equity here.

Jeanne Lim - Founder of BeingAI talked about the impact of technological changes on markets and life itself. See her talk here.

Sohn Hong Kong: Main Stage Speakers

Aaron Stern - Managing Partner & CIO, Converium Capital believes these Sovereign Bonds Can Deliver Massive Returns In The Next Two Years

Chris Wang - Founding Partner, CloudAlpha Capital. He detailed how to profit off massive electrical demand, driven largely by AI. The presentation can be found here.

Darren Kang - Co-Founder & CIO, Life Asset Management. See Darren Kang Of Life Asset Management: This Ultra-Cheap Korean Company Could Easily Double

David Mitchinson - Founding Partner, Zennor Asset Management likes a Japanese outsourcing mid-cap with some corporate governance issues.

Eashwar Krishnan - Managing Partner, Tybourne Capital Management believes this non-US Tech Giant Will Be A Short Term And Long Term Winner Amid The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

James Smith - Founder & CIO, Palliser Capital, is a former employee at Elliott Associates, running their Hong Kong branch. He is keeping the spirit of Paul Singer alive by going activist at Rio Tinto and calling for changes.

Lloyd Moffatt - Founding Partner, Wickhams Hill - See: Lloyd Moffatt’s Short Idea on Australian real estate

Toby Rodes of Kaname Capital pitched a Japanese mid-cap stock with strong competitive advantages and cheap valuation.

Seth H. Fischer - Founder & CIO, Oasis Management - See: Seth H. Fischer: This Scandal Ridden Japanese Mid-Cap Has A Lot Of Upside.

Taro Hirano - President & Chief Portfolio Manager, Japan Catalyst, Inc. - See: Taro Hirano Of Japan Catalyst Inc On Investing In Japan And One Stock Idea.

Also check out my Forbes interview with Aaron Stern, Wendy Chen and Seth Fischer which was published before the conference.

HFA Padded

Jacob Wolinsky is the founder of HedgeFundAlpha (formerly ValueWalk Premium), a popular value investing and hedge fund focused intelligence service. Prior to founding the company, Jacob worked as an equity analyst focused on small caps. Jacob lives with his wife and five kids in Passaic NJ. - Email: jacob(at) FD: I do not purchase any equities to avoid conflict of interest and any insider information. I only purchase broad-based ETFs and mutual funds.