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Hedge Fund Q3 Letters: Short HULU, AT&T & VZ; G&D; Pabrai Comeback; Ostriches; Paulson Loses … Again…. And More [UPDATED]

HFA Padded
Jacob Wolinsky
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Q3 hedge fund letters is nearing an end but we have a few updates  but the content is shifting to this PAGE - we will continue to note updates here but the actual content and the updates inside the paywall will only be continued on this  page bc this is so clearly stated if you ask us where to find the rest there is a good chance we will ignore you. Stay tuned for Q4 page and in meantime all updates here

12/24 more and conferences

UPDATED 12/10 Sohn Lonon and Brazil and more to come and even Q3 still some more to come lots of very bearish stuff and Bitcoin free talk only

UPDATED 11/22/17 Great news we will be devoting a dedicated subdomain or even a domain for ValueWalk premium. this will give us a lot more options in both features and easier layout for everyone. Plus we will have HTTPS and SSL although we do not process payments because of liability concerns a CTO of a large hedge fund expressed concern to me just earlier today. You do not need to worry unless paypal gets hacked although then we probabl have a lot more to worry about! I digress!

Anyway stay tuned for the new domain and possibly a new plugin to manage our growing membership better

More letters and conferences and more to come. Check out one fund more bearish than Elliott - BUY GOLD THE END IS NEIGH

As is the custom at ValueWalk on the first day of the new Q we create the page for all the notable hedge fund events of that quarter. This Q3 2017 hedge fund letters page was originally letters but we have expanded it to hedge fund conferences, feature stories, misc, activism and more. However, due to the proliferation in particular of conferences and activism we tend to do the following - for activism if it is a short campaign we post a link or two, if a dedicated campaign like with Bill Ackman at the time of this writing against ADP well provide links to his dedicated site ADPascending since it gets tedious for us and readers to view every single SEC filing.


In terms of conferences there are so many that we try to focus on more interesting/value added ones or ones we attend. So for both this Q3 2017 hedge fund letters page and prior ones there is no exact formula so we always welcome reader input!

Also, feel free to help us out with conferences if you are competent and attended or want to attend any if open to media we could get you in for free and if not open to media we could help you in other ways.

Before getting into Q3 2017 hedge fund letters and material we must state to protect ourselves from trolls that the links are not an endorsement whatsoever nor does any omission mean anything, besides for the fact that we do not find the letter interesting/newsworthy or we do not have access to it. Please see our legal disclaimers. More on lack of letters below.

Last updated 11/09/2017 11:35PM EST - more letters and those conference notes we promised are coming - if they do well we are going to invest more resources on conference notes - no one liked my parody Q3 ltter - some of those lines and quotes are actually from letters but probably a bit of overkill - emerging managers keep telling me they are getting investors from being "profiled here" - one colleague told me recently got over $1M in AUM just from here- ill take a finders fee (and you should offer at least a few grand if i got your fund $500k or whatever) working out details with our legal since i dont want a conflict of interest and also waiting on FINRA registration for that which will be unrelated to ValueWalk (new to follow!) but I know some major allocators looking for good small hedge funds to invest in (not seed)  but also if you are interested in good emerging managers and small caps check out HVS for more on that - right now we are not being compensated and we would be upfront eabout that even if there was no legal reuiqrement. Anyway, again we do not endose anyone or anything

UPDATED 11:50PM ST on Nov 16 2017 we still have more coming in especially conferences. On that note if you are semi competent and live in London or will be there at the end of Nov please contact me [email protected] for potential offer

Update 9:30PM EST on Nov 12 2017

UPDATE 10/16 for Q3 2017 hedge fund letters going forward we are adding dates by individual items to help you better identify what is new - thanks to readers for the feedback

Last updated: 11/07/17 12:15AM EST with more letters also we are experimenting with in depth conference notes if it does well we intent to continue - we will be posting more over coming days and weeks

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters LAST UPDATED 11/5/17 12:10AM EST with some letters full Capitalize For Kids notes and much more coming

LAST UPDATED 11/03/2017 with C4K conference, Odey and some other letters - EBI conference coming soon

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters LAST UPDATED 10/31/2017 at 05:55PM EST updated with full Robinhood notes lots of letters and much more conference coverage coming in the next few days

Q3 2017 hedge Fund Letters


Also check out

2015  letters

2016 letters

2017 Letters

Into great  funds focused on small caps? Check out our new site!

Without further to do Q3 2017 hedge fund letters below and stay tuned because this page was just launched

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters


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Absolute Return Partners

Alluvial July

Artko - 10/21

Ariel - 10/22

Alkeon 11/12


Atremis - 10/22


Ariel july

Aristotle 1015

Austenback July

Avenir - 10/31

Bayes 11/7


Barnegat - 10/30

Bireme - 11/9

Baupost on PR, Part II


Bill Nygren

BlueTower - 10/26

Bonhoeffer - 11/12

Berkowitz on SHLD - 10/17

Broad Run - 10/26

Brevan Howard

BlackBear - 10/26




CableCar 10/15

Centaur - 11/12

Cobas 12/10

Corsair - 10/24

Cureen - 10/25

Clearbridge 11/7

Dodge & Cox - 10/23


Deer Park - 10/30


Ewing Morris 10/17

Evermore  11/5

Global Allocation Fund

Horseman August

Incline - 11/6


Half Moon - 10/31

Hayden - 11/7


First Eagle - 10/28

Firefly 11/16

FPA 10/18



Global Allocation

Greenhaven 10/28

Gilder Gagnon soars - 10/19


GrizzlyRock - 10/21

Hypotenuse - 10/30

Hazelton - 10/22

Horizon Kinetics - PE Memo

IceCap - 10/22

IP Capital 10/22

Jensen call 11/7

GMO - EM Debt

Generic Capital - 11/10

Greenwood - 10//19

Greenhaven Road - 10/30

GreyOwl 11/9

Jensen 10/15


Kempen - 10/24

KKR - 10/16

Lakewood - 10/25

Laughing Water  - 11/7

Left Brain - 11/01

Lindsell Train - 10/211

Lighthouse - 11/16

Longleaf - 10/15

Logos 10/18

Longleaf - 11/16

Locust Wood - 10/30

Mairs 11/7

Maverick 10/19

Mead - 10/16


  • Q3 - 11/10

Moab - 10/26

Meson - 10/25

Maverick - 10/21

Miller - 10/22

Mittleman 11/1


Moore Capital


Peters MacGregor - 10/30

Pabrai 10/16



Omega 10/19

Old West - 10/22


Oldfield Partners - 10/30

Papyrus 11/7

Picton Mahoney

Roumell - 10/25


RV Capital


Stanphyl July

Tweedy 10/18

Third Avenue all on 11/16

Third Point


Sandon 11/16


SouthPoint- 10/30

StoneHouse up 157%


Triarii 10/25

TIG - 10/31

Turtle Creek  - 11/16

Two Sigma July

Upslope - 10/31

Weitz Q3

Wedgewood 10/15

Wolf Hill - 10/21



Vilas - 11/9

Vulcan 11/5

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters Features


Andy Hall right but too late

Arlington Value

Artemis VIX

Berkshire vs HFs

Black Monday


Cederberg Capital

China HFs

Throw in the towel

China short 2.0

China trolls Hayman


Climate Change

CT HF PM runs for Gov

Dalio’s Quest to Outlive Himself

Book tour

Our interview with Ray, and part II

Eurozone short HF closes

Cross Quants


Icahn RINs

Icahn biofuels

Icahn trump

Icahn down big

Hedge fund weatherman



Gullane Capital

HFs thirst for 2% return

Fast traders crushed

Man Group

Goes all in on AI

Mifid 2



Mark Hart gives up Yuan short

Lindsell Train

Novogratz goes crazy on crypto

Larry Robbins ACA

Paul Singer

Peltz kills 100k jobs?

Point 72

Puerto Rico

PR losses

Private Debt

Quants crushed

Quant Robots

Quant youngesters

Reinsurers weather


Robot analysts


Two Sigma

Scavenger Hunt

Sun Valley, Druck on AMZN,Klarman

Sound Point

Steve Cohen charging 2.4% mgmt fee

Trump, Ziff, Hermitage

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters And Conferences

American Century

Camp Kotok, more

Delivering Alpha and interviews 


Morningstar  ETF - BlackRock, Vanguard, Moats, Ritholtz, Nudging

Mining Conference - Paulson slides

Sohn SF

Wide Moat Investing


Total Alts

Q3 2017 hedge fund letters Operational stats

Andy Hall's goodbye

Austenback closes

Baupost returns cash

BAM hires from GS

Hugh Hendry shuts

Hutchin Hill shuts credit

Mandel retiring

Saba closure


Pharo Macro

Whitney Tilson closes

CommonWealth Opportunity

Greenight redemptions




Europe prepares




Q3 2017 hedge fund letters Investment Pitches


Alaris Royalty

Naty Gas


Crescat on China


Buffett w/ students, slides


HF of the year gets scammed

Howard Marks

RTRS vs Brevan


Loeb FB



Hedge fund letter template



Absolute Return 11/1

Bronte Nov 12/ 10



Third Pt

  • Oct returns



Asia Value Conference - 10/22

Buffett w/ students, more - 10/26

Capitalize For Kids - Einhorn, Levin, 3G , Eisman, Smith, Cowen - UPDATED 10/21

DealBook - 11/10

EBI full notes 11/16

Invest 4 Kids - notes pdf 11/2

Grants - Cohodes, Taconic

Oxford - Einhorn Warns 11/16

Reuters 11/16

RobinHood  Greenberg, Saba  10/22

WSJ CEO Conference




Buffett vs Cohodes 10/18

Buffett AI 11/16

G&D 10/16

Loeb long malls 11/12

Paradise Papers - reinsurers

Psychopaths - 10/19



BW Marketer leaves

BW endowments

Family Office boon - 10/22

Quant HF shuts

SAC trader leaves


DD oil activism

Truman, Dewey 2.0


Clark on shorting



Cooperman on SEC

Griffin cracks down on sugar

Jim Grant Vs Dalio, more, our in-depth coverage on the topic with behind the scenes commentary - 10/15/17

Steph Curry

HFA Padded

Jacob Wolinsky is the ex-Founder of Valuewalk.com (founded 2011, sold 2023). He is founder of HedgeFundAlpha (formerly ValueWalk Premium), a hedge fund focused intelligence service for institutional investors. Prior to founding Valuewalk, Jacob worked as an equity analyst covering small caps, a micro-cap analyst, doing member development a large hedge fund community and freelance financial writing. Jacob lives with his wife and five kids in Passaic NJ. - Email: jacob(at)hedgefundalpha.com. For confidential inquires email me for my Signal id. Other methods of secure communication are also available.FD: I almost exclusively avoid the purchase of equities to avoid conflict of interest and any insider information. I only purchase broad-based ETFs and mutual funds. I will disclsoe if I have a stake in any company, but in general avoid

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