Links: Top Financial Websites Across The Globe

Below are some of our favorite sites. There are hundreds of great sites out there and we almost certainly missed some fantastic ones so see a name missing? Feel free to send suggestion to jacob(@) - Please only send 'legit' and applicable websites - if this is advertising related see our advertising page - all other emails will be marked as spam and deleted.

Note: No particular order whatsoever

  1. Value Investing World
  2. GoldPrice American Gold Eagle Coins
  3. Letters From Norway
  4. Acting Man
  5. Moat Investing
  6. Insider Monkey
  7. Bankrate
  8. Invest Like the Street
  9. Deal Breaker
  10. DIY Stock Investor
  11. Deep Value Investments
  12. The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation
  13. The Odd Lot
  14. Cracker Jack Investing
  15. The Daily Reckoning 
  16. Sense on Cents
  17. The Short Side Of Long
  18. Best Broker Deals
  19. Value Investing Journey
  20. Expecting Value
  21. Ragnar is a Pirate
  22.  Lunda loupe (Great value site in Swedish)
  23. Greg Speicher
  24. Reminiscences of a Stockblogger
  25. Money Beat
  26. Oddball Stocks
  27. e Wall Streeter
  28. AAAMP Blog
  29. Zero Hedge
  30. DealBook
  31. I Heart Wall Street
  32. Moatology
  33. DShort
  34. MarketFolly
  35. Turnkey Analyst
  36. Variant Perception
  37. Cliff Kule Notes
  38. CSInvesting
  39. WexBoy
  40. A Dash of Insight
  41. valueandopportunity
  42. Crossing Wall Street
  43. Capital Observer
  44. Stock Spinoffs
  45. The Brooklyn Investor
  46. Distressed Debt Investing
  47. Abnormal Returns
  48. Above Average Odds
  49. Pmjar
  50. Harvest
  51. Base Hit Investing
  52. IRD
  53. Merrill Over Matter
  54. Streeteye
  55. Tom Friedman
  56. The Reformed Broker
  57. Mebane Faber
  59. Corner of Berkshire
  60. Aleph Blog
  61. Bargain UK
  63. Distressed Debt Investing
  64. Manual of Ideas
  65. Reddit/Security Analysis
  66. PragCap
  67. Bidness ETC
  68. Shadow Stock
  69. Whopper Investments
  70. Me vs. EMT
  71. Distressed Volatility 
  72. Greenbackd
  73. Capitalist Exploits
  74. Manual of Ideas
  75. Old School Value
  76. Investing Sidekick
  77. Strictly Financial 
  78. I Heart Wall Street
  79. Investing Caffeine 
  80. UK Value Investor
  81. Zach Kouwe

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