LinkedIn's Homepage Gets New Design

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LinkedIn's Homepage Gets New Design

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After a bumpy last few months, Linkedin Corporation (NYSE:LNKD) announced a new home page redesign on Monday.

It will be rolled out to users in the next few weeks and it comes after a June 29 announcement by the company that it would discontinue sharing the stream of Tweets from members’ profiles.

According to’s Drew Olanoff, LinkedIn said its recent cleanup efforts will help members to connect more easily with others and to receive helpful information on how to make changes in their industries.

The cleanup isn’t anything new. Just last week, the company introduced a new, more social version of its “Today” page. This compiles hot stories gathered by colleagues that have been shared on the network.

Take a Look at the New Design

On Monday, LinkedIn announced the changes on a corporate blog post named,”Introducing a Simpler Homepage.” The post introduces the changes as, “We’ve started to roll out a simpler and easier way to navigate Homepage experience that offers quick access to the relevant information and updates that help you be great at your job.”

Here’s what’s new with the design.

Newer, simpler, and more modern design

The homepage has been overhauled with a new look and feel. Users will find it easier to scan and find pertinent information. The cleaner, simpler design provides easier navigation and the ability to find the updates that users are looking for such as a news article recently share by the boss or updates on who recently started a new job.

Relevant updates at the top

User can now see the most vital network updates and articles at the feed’s top. It will now be easier to keep abreast of what matters the most to a user including trending topics, news, and professional updates based on what a user’s connections and industry are reading, sharing, and discussing. In other words, users will now spend less time looking around for desired information that can help prepare them for their workday and to spend more time performing well in their current job.

A richer, cleaner update stream

LinkedIn totally changed the way updates look and feel with brighter richer visuals; it will allow easier scanning and viewing. A continuous steam of updates can be viewed without clicking the “see more” button to look at the current updates from one’s network.  Users will also find it easier to look at what their connections are discussing and participate in these conversations by either liking, commenting or sharing the updates that are important.


HFA Padded

The post above is drafted by the collaboration of the Hedge Fund Alpha Team.

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