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The Team and Contributors

ValuewalkJacob Wolinsky: Founder, and CEO of
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Sheeraz Raza: Chief - Operations
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Staff Writers

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 Michelle Jones was a television news producer for eight years. She produced the morning news programs for the NBC affiliates in Evansville, Indiana and Huntsville, Alabama and spent a short time at the CBS affiliate in Huntsville. She also has experience as a writer and public relations expert for a wide variety of businesses.
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"Quant" has a Masters in Science from Oxford University. She worked as an analyst at a bulge bracket bank, as well as a quant researcher at one of the world's largest asset managers.  She is currently studying for CFA level III and works part time as a quantitative researcher at a hedge fund.
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 Aman Jain has an MBA in Finance. His experience includes working for three years with AIR worldwide (Catastrophic Risk Modeling & Consulting Firm) as a Risk analyst-II. Aman has worked as a marketing head for 3+ years.
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 Vikas Shukla is a business writer. He contributes breaking news and Op-Ed articles about business, finance, investment, Forex, economics and politics on ValueWalk.

Christopher Morris
is an extensively published writer on the subjects of technology and finance, among other topics. He is a regular contributor to Yahoo. Christopher is an avid video gamer in his spare time.
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Top Contributors

Ben Strubel, a regular contributor to the site, is a graduate of Drexel University with a Master of Business Administration in Investment Management. He is the President and Portfolio Manager of Strubel Investment Management, LLC a registered investment advisor based in Lancaster, PA. Strubel Investment Management provides separate account management services to clients and also publishes The Value Investor’s Edge Newsletter.   Email:
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We are an international asset management company. Our investment approach is driven by a combination of rigorous fundamental research and advanced quantitative analysis. To identify the very best investment ideas, we rely on extensive research and, where possible, on in depth interviews with company executives. We apply the highest academic standards in our investments. We invest across asset classes to deliver the best possible risk-adjusted investment results. Although we diversify our exposure, we believe that the best way to reduce risk is to thoroughly assess each investment with top notch research. Our portfolio is generally composed of no more than 10-15 companies.
Our investment strategy is a mix of growth at a reasonable price (GARP) and Value investing. We are looking for companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage, a shareholder-friendly management, a robust return on equity, a safe balance sheet, and, of course, that can be acquired at the right price. We invest in solid businesses, priced attractively and that can offer robust risk-adjusted returns.

Charles (Chuck) C. Carnevale is the Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of, and has been working in the securities industry since 1970.  He has been a partner with a private NYSE member firm, the President of a NASD firm, and a Vice President, Regional Marketing Director for a major American Stock Exchange listed company, and he was an Associate Vice President and Investment Consulting Services Coordinator for a major NYSE member firm.  Prior to forming EDMP, Inc., he was a partner in a 30-year-old established registered investment advisory in Tampa, Florida.  Chuck holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance from the University of Tampa.  Chuck is a sought-after public speaker who is very passionate about spreading the critical message of prudence in money management.  Chuck is a veteran of the Vietnam War and was awarded both the Bronze Star and the Vietnam Honor Medal.
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David J. Merkel, CFA, FSA - From 2008-2010, I was the Chief Economist and Director of Research of Finacorp Securities.  Until 2007, I was a senior investment analyst at Hovde Capital, responsible for analysis and valuation of investment opportunities for the FIP funds.
From 2003-2007, I was a leading commentator at the investment website Back in 2003, after several years of correspondence, James Cramer invited me to write for the site, and I wrote for RealMoney on equity and bond portfolio management, macroeconomics, derivatives, quantitative strategies, insurance issues, corporate governance, etc.
Prior to joining Hovde in 2003, I managed corporate bonds for Dwight Asset Management. In 1998, I joined the Mount Washington Investment Group as the Mortgage Bond and Asset Liability manager after working with Provident Mutual, AIG and Pacific Standard Life.
I hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Johns Hopkins University. In my spare time, I take care of our eight children with my wonderful wife Ruth.
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David Schawel, CFA, is currently work as a fixed income portfolio manager. Spent time in NYC in both investment banking and equity research. Current CFA charter holder.
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Duncan MacInnes is a regular contributor to the site, his blog is-kelpie-capital
Duncan works for a large Wealth Manager in the UK, the views expressed on this blog are entirely his own and do not reflect the views of his employer or investment advice. He is a 26-year-old Portfolio Manager who discovered investing after completing law school. Since then, he has added the Investment Management Certificate and completed all three levels of the CFA. In 2012, he will study for The Practical History of Financial Markets at Edinburgh Business School. He has worked in London, Singapore, Edinburgh and currently in Glasgow, UK.
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EconMatters: I’m a market analyst, and writer/editor a syndicated financial blog EconMatters.
More at About Me, Email MeAI is an investor in Indian Financial Markets. He writes about investing in India.
Email:, Blog:
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Elliot Turner is a Managing Director at RGA Investment Advisors, LLC and founder of Compounding My Interests.  Prior to joining RGA, Mr. Turner was a Principal and Managing Director at AustinWeston Asset Management LLC, a value-driven investment management firm, where he specialized in discovering and analyzing long-term investment opportunities and strategic portfolio management.
Mr. Turner holds a Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law School, and is admitted to practice law in New York State. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University where he double majored in Political Science and Philosophy.
Email:                Website:
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 F.A.S.T. Graphs™ is a powerful research tool providing “essential fundamentals at a glance” on over 17,000 symbols. F.A.S.T. Graphs™ empowers the user to research stocks deeper and faster by allowing them to exploit the undeniable relationship and functional correlation between long-term earnings growth and market price.
Warren Buffett, the greatest capital allocator of all time, said; “there are only two things that investor needs to know; how to value a company and how to think about stock prices.” With the F.A.S.T. Graphs™ at their disposal, users are able to perform both of these critical tasks… FAST.
F.A.S.T. is an acronym for Fundamentals Analyzer Software Tool that takes all the hours of manual graphing of business fundamentals and reduces it to seconds, giving you critical information in an instant. With one glance you know a lot about the business you are graphing and its past, present and future value. F.A.S.T. Graphs™ should be the first step in every research project. Each graph is worth 1,000 words in describing a company’s growth, consistency and valuation.

 Fabrice Drouin Ristori is the Founder and CEO of FDR Capital/, a company that helps people invest in physical gold and silver and more broadly helps people understand our monetary system.
He is a specialist and investor in the precious metals market since 2008.
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 Greg Speicher is a private investor who has been investing, studying and writing about the the markets since 2006. Greg built several successful offline businesses including an Inc. 500 Company which he co-founded. Buffett stated, “I am a better investor because I am a businessman.” It is in that spirit that Greg brings his years of business experience to investing.
Greg received his B.A. in philosophy Magna Cum Laude from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, Italy, and attended the MBA Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also studied with Bruce Greenwald at the Value Investing Executive Education Course at Columbia University.
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Hardcore Value: Canadian value investor, working in PWM. Passed all three levels of CFA.
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 Rob Bennett developed the the Valuation-Informed Indexing investing strategy, a strategy that combines the most powerful insights of Vanguard Founder John Bogle and Yale Professor Robert Shiller in a simple approach offering higher returns at greatly diminished risk.
A full bio of Rob is here. He today writes two weekly columns on investing: (1) “Valuation-Informed Indexing”, which appears on Tuesdays on Value Walk here.) and; (2) “Investing: The New Rules”, at the Death by 1,000 Paper cuts Site, available here.
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Ryan O'Connor writes in-depth value articles.
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Oil Price: Dr. John C.K. Daly is the chief analyst for Dr. Daly received his Ph.D. in 1986 from the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. While at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, where he is currently a non-resident scholar, in 199 he founded The Cyber-Caravan, which continues today under the title, The Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst. He subsequently served as Director of Programs at the Middle East Institute in Washington DC before joining UPI as International Correspondent.
Dr. Daly’s work has appeared in appeared in Jamestown’s Spotlight on Terror, Eurasia Daily Monitor, China Brief and Terrorism Monitor, along with Jane’s Defense Group’s Intelligence Watch Report, Jane’s Intelligence Review, Terrorism Watch Report, Jane’s Terrorism & Security Monitor and Islamic Affairs Analyst, Caspian Crossroads, ISN and the Christian Science Monitor. During 2003=-2006 Dr. Daly was a contributing editor for Vanity Fair on terrorism. Dr. Daly has been a commentator on current events for CNN, the Hudson Institute, the Middle East Institute, National Public Radio, Al-Arabiya, Press TV and Radio Free Asia, among others.
Dr. Daly is currently President and CEO of U.S.-Central Asia Bio fuels Ltd.”
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Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. He holds them until that value is realized or the fundamentals change in a way that no longer support his thesis.
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Tom: I have a degree in managerial economics from Aarhus University - specializing in strategy. I have been employed in various firms private, state and semi-state.
Branches have been: Transport (rail and ferrylines), mashine industry, building, energy and university administration.
Additionally I speak nine languages fluently.
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Vitaly Katsenelson, CFA is the Chief Investment Officer at Investment Management Associates, Inc (IMA), a value investment firm based in Denver, Colorado. After I received my graduate and undergraduate degrees in finance (cum laude) from the University of Colorado at Denver, and finished my CFA designation (three years of my life that are a vague recollection at this point), I wanted to keep learning. I figured the best way to learn is to teach. At first I taught an undergraduate class at the University of Colorado at Denver and later a graduate investment class at the same university that I designed based on my day job. Currently I am on sabbatical from teaching for a while.
I’ve written articles for the Financial Times, Barron’s, BusinessWeek, Christian Science Monitor, New York Post, Institutional Investor … and the list goes on.
I was profiled in Barron’s, and have been interviewed by Value Investor Insight, Welling@Weeden, BusinessWeek, BNN, CNBC, and countless radio shows.
I’ve authored the Little Book of Sideways Markets (Wiley, 2010) and Active Value Investing (Wiley, 2007).
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