Sherpa Funds Technology has recently launched Optimal Risk Sizing (ORS). It is shaking up the investment management industry with the patented pre-trade analytics tool, which helps portfolio managers best monetize their asset selections, and create frameworks to raise AUM.
The software, which is available as SAAS, fills gap between having made a decision to buy an asset to creating a portfolio which include that asset. Sherpa demonstrates how ORS results in better returns, better investor relationships, and a much better investment process.
Sherpa Funds: Better Returns, Better Investor Relationships, Better Process: New Position-Sizing Solution Shaking Up The Industry
Based in Singapore, Sherpa Funds Technology’s CEO is Richard Waddington, who has 20 years’ experience in financial markets as a trader, technology entrepreneur and business head with major investment banks. Craig McGee, Partner at Sherpa Funds Technology, also a former senior investment banker, has been instrumental in getting ORS in front of a wide range of users since it started disrupting processes in 2015.