This page was just created on January 1st 2019 it will be updated a LOT for the next 90 plus days! However, we already have a lot of coverage especially of conferences for Q4 as of today 1/1/19!!
As a reference in Q3 18 i updated the page about 155 times or much more than once a day for 90 days so please bookmark and check back soon!
As always we REALLY really appreciate legal letters and tips on hedge funds from our readers regardless of fund size.
NOTE: The list is mostly in category and alphabetical order. While many funds listed below are hedge funds some are mutual funds or other (i.e. Berkshire Hathaway), some letters are public Additionally, we cannot post many letters because of US copyright law and it would likely not fall under fair use . We have been trying to note where it is full and where it is just our story next to the links.
Also see
Q4 letters
Small caps hidden value stocks 12/31
Absolute Return Letter for the month of October 2018 10/4
- November 2018, titled, “Will Lithium Sink OPEC?” 11/5
- December The Absolute Return Partners letter for the month of December 2018, titled, “The Art Of Defaulting.” 12/5
- Absolute Return January 2019 Letter: Potential Pitholes Of 2019 1/3
ADW new position – scoop 11/15