Employment Gains

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Employment rises in both Household by, 723,000, and Establishment, by 223,000, reports. Yesterday Job Openings showed a rise as did Quits. Employment trends remain in positive trends despite the spate of layoffs in the COVID-favored issues on which has been the focus of many. Today’s positive response vs the negative response last month to rising employment suggests a market psychology shift to believing that economic activity can continue even with rising rates, at least for the immediate future.

From the employment report this morning:“Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in December, and the unemployment rate edged down to 3.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, health care, construction, and social assistance.“

Individual reports of US industrials, infrastructure, E&P, vehicle and aircraft manufacturing have continued more positive than expectations. For the near term, positive trends in these issues can be expected to continue and the expectation is higher equity prices should follow.

HFA Padded

Todd Sullivan is a Massachusetts-based value investor and a General Partner in Rand Strategic Partners. He looks for investments he believes are selling for a discount to their intrinsic value given their current situation and future prospects. He holds them until that value is realized or the fundamentals change in a way that no longer support his thesis. His blog features his various ideas and commentary and he updates readers on their progress in a timely fashion. His commentary has been seen in the online versions of the Wall St. Journal, New York Times, CNN Money, Business Week, Crain’s NY, Kiplingers and other publications. He has also appeared on Fox Business News & Fox News and is a RealMoney.com contributor. His commentary on Starbucks during 2008 was recently quoted by its Founder Howard Schultz in his recent book “Onward”. In 2011 he was asked to present an investment idea at Bill Ackman’s “Harbor Investment Conference”.