Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved? Not So Fast

HFA Padded
Mark Melin
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The Bermuda Triangle mystery is not that different, in some respects, from the hunt for “Big Foot.” In searching for an apparent half man, half beast, there has never been any evidence of bones or other artifacts that point to logical facts to support the legend’s existence. Other than scintillating camera footage that can be staged or manipulated, hard scientific evidence explaining its existence, which one can expect to turn up after hundreds of years, calls into question the theory. But a recent scientific explanation purporting to explain how the Bermuda Triangle...

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HFA Padded

Mark Melin is an alternative investment practitioner whose specialty is recognizing the impact of beta market environment on a technical trading strategy. A portfolio and industry consultant, wrote or edited three books including High Performance Managed Futures (Wiley 2010) and The Chicago Board of Trade’s Handbook of Futures and Options (McGraw-Hill 2008) and taught a course at Northwestern University's executive education program.

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