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2023 Robin Hood Investors Conference – Best Ideas From Untitled Inbestments, Advent, And Chilton

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HFA Staff
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Akre Focus Fund
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The following are notes from Neeraj Chandra, Mohammed Anjarwala, and Jennifer L. Foster's best investment ideas at the 11th annual J.P. Morgan / Robin Hood Investors Conference took place on October 24 and 25, 2023.

Lighting Round: Neeraj Chandra, Mohammed Anjarwala, Jennifer L. Foster

A summary of the Lightning Round featuring Neeraj Chandra (Untitled Investments), Mohammed Anjarwala (Advent Global Opportunities), and Jennifer L. Foster (Chilton Investment Company Inc), moderated by David Einhorn (Greenlight):

Neeraj Chandra:

  • Emphasizes concentrated long-term investments and seeking dominant leaders during stressful times.


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The post above is drafted by the collaboration of the Hedge Fund Alpha Team.