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Trump Appoints Soros Linked Steven Mnuchin As Finance Chair

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Mark Melin
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It was a busy day for the Trump campaign, announcing the appointment of Steven Mnuchin as finance chair and then having House Speaker Paul Ryan publicly withhold his support, a surprise move that pushes Trump to more actively unify the party and may modulate his behavior.

Holding out a carrot to encourage Donald Trump to be a candidate “Republicans can be proud of,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) stunned the political world by saying “I cannot support Donald Trump right now.” The Speaker’s comments come as Trump appointed a new national finance chairman with a long history of donating to Democratic...

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HFA Padded

Mark Melin is an alternative investment practitioner whose specialty is recognizing the impact of beta market environment on a technical trading strategy. A portfolio and industry consultant, wrote or edited three books including High Performance Managed Futures (Wiley 2010) and The Chicago Board of Trade’s Handbook of Futures and Options (McGraw-Hill 2008) and taught a course at Northwestern University's executive education program.