This Trait Will Get You More AUM

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Humans are an intriguing lot. We are bombarded with information in real time. We spend countless hours listening to the news or music, browsing the internet, reading books or magazines, watching television, movies, and sports, or otherwise engaging in activities not directly related to eating, reproduction and basic survival.

As indicated in this study, our curiosity drives much of the global economy. It’s so important that lack of this trait is a symptom of depression.

Despite its bad reputation (remember, it killed the cat), we generally regard curiosity as indicative of intelligence. It’s also believed to improve our social and romantic lives, and to make us better listeners and conversationalists. There is evidence suggesting a positive relationship between curiosity and the ability to solve problems.

Notwithstanding those attributes, many of us lack curiosity when it comes to learning about other people. Filling this gap will increase your AUM.

Curiosity is a motivator

We tend to think of curiosity as a personality trait. Actually, it’s a powerful emotion, located in the part of the brain known as the amygdala. The amygdala is considered the source of some of the most primal human emotions, including fear.

Emotions play a critical role in decision-making. Curiosity has been identified as an emotion that influences human behavior in both positive and negative ways at all stages of life.

Once you recognize the role of curiosity in decision-making, you need to harness this knowledge in your meetings with prospects.

Testing the premise

Here’s an experience I had that demonstrates the power of curiosity, when used appropriately. I was checking out of a grocery store in Naples, Florida, where we live. I noticed the clerk scanning my items had an accent that I recognized. I asked her if she was from Boston. She was surprised and said she was. We then talked about how nice it was to be out of the winter cold. As I left, she told me I was the first person to ask her that question.

What she meant was that I was the first person to show an interest in her and not treat her as a scanning robot.

Read the full article here by Dan Solin, Advisor Perspectives

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