Ray Dalio On Presidential Election, Neutral Portfolio, And Taiwan – Davos 2024

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HFA Staff
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Following is an excerpt from the unofficial transcript of CNBC interview with Ray Dalio, which aired on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” (M-F, 6AM-9AM ET) today, Tuesday, January 16 for Davos 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

Interview with Bridgewater Associates Founder, Co-CIO, Board Member Ray Dalio

Dalio On Presidential Election

ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: If President Biden wins a second term, good for the market, bad for the market? If former President Trump wins a second term, good for the market, bad for the market?

RAY DALIO: I think they are both threatening for the markets.

SORKIN: Both are threatening for the markets?

Dalio On Neutral Portfolio

DALIO: I find that the markets right now are not either super attractive or super unattractive, generally speaking aside from the politics. And so you’re going to come into this environment where there is going to be greater risks particularly taking that factor and the world factor. So then, what is your neutral position? I have a neutral portfolio, okay. My neutral portfolio is a diversified portfolio that I won’t take the time to get into, but you go closer to your neutral portfolio.

Dalio On Taiwan

DALIO: I think that there can be a demonstration of concerns that will be more cosmetic than they will be in reality. Important changes have taken place. When I was there last March and since then, they were not talking terms. And there was a big, big risk of crossing red lines. And particularly, when we have elections here, which creates also more antagonism, that has changed. Ever since, there was the build up to the APAC agreement and so on. There’s communication now that is quality communication about how to deal with such things. SO that there’s a likelihood there will be a delegation that will go over there. But the red line is are we in favor of the independence of Taiwan.

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The post above is drafted by the collaboration of the Hedge Fund Alpha Team.