Asset Management vs Hedge Fund: Which Path Leads to Greater Financial Success?

HFA Padded
Jacob Wolinsky
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Hedge funds and asset management firms are both investment vehicles. But, they employ different business models which results in several distinctions. If you plan to invest, you should look closely at asset management vs hedge fund characteristics.

Asset management firms have a more conservative approach to investing. They focus on long-term growth and capital preservation. They offer services to a broader base of clients like individual investors, and institutional investors. Hedge funds use more aggressive investment models to aim at higher investment returns. Their client base is often limited to high-net-worth individuals and institutions.

There are other differences, like the level of regulations, fee structure, etc. When choosing an investment vehicle you should think it through. These offer different choices for investors. Investor preference should be based on the investment goals and means to achieve them. For more on this topic, stay with us.

Core Investment Philosophies

Hedge Funds and the Pursuit of Absolute Returns

Traditional investment funds benchmark their performance against a market index like an S&P 500. On the other hand, hedge funds aim to generate positive returns no matter the broader market conditions and trends. This is known as the pursuit of absolute returns and it is a key characteristic of hedge funds.

To achieve this hedge funds employ different approaches:

  • Market-neutral strategies.
    These strategies tend to capitalize on high returns without any correlation with the market conditions. To achieve this funds take both short and long positions. This way they minimize the market risk and focus on specific investment possibilities
  • Diversified investment strategies.
    Commonly used strategies are long/short equity, event-driven, global macro, quantitative, and others. This way hedge fund managers lower the investment risk of the entire fund
  • Complex risk management.
    To maximize investment performance, and achieve absolute returns, funds use risk management. To control and mitigate risk, hedge fund managers use different techniques, like investment hedging and leverage control. Also, diversification of investments goes a long way in minimizing risk
  • Use of leverage and derivatives.
    To maximize potential Hedge fund returns they use leverage and derivatives. Leverage is borrowing money to improve the size of their investment positions. Derivatives are financial instruments whose value is derived from an underlying asset. These tools can amplify the positive returns. On the other side, they bring excessive risk in case of an investment failure
  • Performance fees.
    Hedge fund fees have two components, management and performance fees. In case the investment outperforms a predetermined benchmark, a manager gets a performance fee. That is another incentive for managers to push and achieve absolute returns.

Asset Management’s Focus on Relative Returns

Asset management companies focus on achieving relative returns. This means their strategy is to outperform a benchmark rather than generate an absolute return. The emphasis on relative returns comes from several factors:

  • Benchmarking.
    Asset managers commonly benchmark the performance of their investment portfolios. A usual reference is a specific market index or combination of different indices. By tracking his benchmark manager shows that he can navigate through different market conditions and manage a positive return
  • Performance measurement.
    The manager identifies every investment and its condition by measuring its performance. Benchmarking is a crucial performance measurement technique. If the investment is outperforming the benchmark it shows the skill of the manager. That way the new investors are lured to the company
  • Returns adjusted to the risk.
    The manager in an asset company doesn’t only focus on generating large amounts of money through returns. They also need to manage risk relative to the benchmark. To achieve this they are diversifying investments by utilizing different asset classes. They also target different market sectors. That way they are creating a balance between a risk and a return. The goal is to create an investment that delivers competitive risk-adjusted performance
  • Investor expectations.
    Asset managers typically work closely with their clients. This team effort has a goal to work toward fulfilling the client’s expectations. These expectations include financial goals and risk tolerance. Another major factor is the time horizon of the investment. The fund manager must adjust the investment strategy with the time boundaries that the client expects the investment to bring returns. In that process, the asset manager can create a benchmark. By achieving and exceeding the benchmark, the company and the manager retain clients and attract new ones
  • Following industry norms.
    Over time asset asset-managing firms implemented achieving relative returns, as a norm. This created an industry climate where managers from competitive companies are always trying to outperform each other
  • Utilizing long-term perspective.
    Unlike hedge fund managers, asset managers focus on long-term investment horizons. The goal of these companies is to create and develop a portfolio of investments that bring constant and sustainable returns. That is why asset managers favor using buy-and-hold strategies. These investments are based on their long-term potential and are held for a longer period. This strategy differs from an average hedge fund manager, who often employs excessive risk tactics that work in short term
  • Managers fee structure.
    Asset managers aim to deliver relative returns because of their fees. The fee of asset managers is based on assets under management. If they can achieve relative returns that will attract new investors. New investors mean higher assets under management. Asset manager’s fees are in most cases not connected with achieving absolute performance. They do not get bonuses for overachieving investments. That is why they can use lower-risk techniques and build a large AUM structure.

Investment Strategies Unpacked

Role of Alpha in Hedge Funds

The alpha refers to the excess returns of the investment strategies. To measure alpha the result of the investment is compared to the pre-set benchmark or with the overall financial market movement. To generate alpha is difficult. It requires deep market knowledge, analytical skills, and to take contrarian actions.

The alpha shows the ability of the hedge fund manager when choosing investments and planning a strategy. The potential for high returns attracts investors to hedge funds. Those investors are ready to pay higher manager fees in return for generating alpha.

The alpha in hedge funds has different roles:

  • Generating excess returns.
    The primary goal of a hedge fund is to generate absolute returns. To achieve that they need to aim to generate alpha. To achieve these results fund managers utilize different often risky strategies. The most productive ones are stock picking, market timing, and leveraging
  • Risk management strategies.
    Alpha is often related to unsystematic risk, which is connected with risks to specific securities or companies. To minimize this risk hedge funds tend to diversify their investment portfolios. With a diverse portfolio, they are also aiming to generate alpha
  • Dynamic portfolio adjustments.
    Hedge funds are known for their active management approach. Managers adjust their portfolios based on market conditions and economic indicators. By doing so they are creating investment opportunities to mitigate risk. The sole purpose of this dynamic approach is to generate positive alpha
  • Separation of alpha and beta.
    Beta represents the market risk or the performance of an investment when compared to the overall market. Hedge funds use hedging strategies to separate alpha from beta. By neutralizing beta, managers aim to generate alpha through their active investment decisions
  • Research and analysis.
    Hedge fund managers are using quantitive and qualitative analysis like financial modeling, and fundamental research. With those analyses, they are identifying market inefficiencies or price fluctuations. Those situations can be exploited to generate alpha.

Among several hedge fund investment strategies, some are better for identifying and creating alpha:

  • Arbitrage.
    This technique allows for exploiting price discrepancies between identical or similar assets in different markets
  • Market timing.
    Managers are trying to predict market movements and adjust their portfolios accordingly
  • Event-driven strategies.
    Companies that are undergoing significant internal changes are great investment ideas. People in investment management are always keeping an eye on mergers, buyouts, and restructuring. Those situations can produce significant changes in prices. If managers play their cards right, they can bring major gains to investors
  • Relative value investing.
    Managers are identifying securities that are mispriced compared to their peers based on fundamental analysis.

Constructing investment portfolios aligned with clients’ objectives, and at the same time managing risk, demands navigating marketing exposure and beta.

Beta is a measurement of the sensitivity of an investment’s return to changes in the market. If a beta is 1 that shows that the investment moves in line with the market. A beta higher than 1 points to high volatility, while a lower one shows low volatility.

Asset managers use beta to measure how the investment will perform when compared to the broad market exposure. Knowing the beta helps to manage and what will be the returns of the portfolio. Asset managers are spreading their investments across different asset classes and geographical regions. That way they aim to minimize the risk of the poor performance of a single investment.

When potential betas are diversified across different markets and assets, the managers can control the overall beta of the portfolio. When they combine asset classes with negative or low correlation, that can help mitigate risk. It can also help in smoothing portfolio returns

Asset managers are also consulting with clients to asses risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment time horizon. By doing so they are identifying the acceptable level of market exposure and beta levels. Managers are also custom-creating portfolios based on the input parameters set by the clients. Some clients are agreeable to higher risks, which brings the chance of a higher beta.

Manager’s approaches to managing portfolios vary, and they can be active or passive. Managers who choose an active approach personally choose securities. They aim to outperform the market. They can adjust beta exposure in a moment, based on their view of the market conditions. Passive strategies focus on replicating the performance of a specific market index. The beta of passive portfolios mirrors the beta of the chosen index.

Take a Look At Hedge Funds vs Asset Management – Are they different?: 

Asset Management vs Hedge Fund Cost

The cost structures of asset management and hedge funds differ. The causes for this are different investment approaches, regulations, types of clients they serve, and fee models.

Asset managers use more conservative investment models. They aim to have as many assets under management as possible. Their fee is based on the percentage of the managed assets. The typical fee of asset managers is between 0.1% and 2% of AUM.

Hedge funds, on the other hand, have higher fees. Their investments sometimes come with huge risks that are clients willing to tolerate. The hedge fund managers have a two-component fee based on that high risk.

Like asset managers, they charge a management fee that is a percentage of AUM, usually between 1.5% and 2%. Hedge fund incentive structure includes a performance fee. All types of hedge funds charge this fee, and it is an incentive bonus for bringing extra returns. The performance fee is the reason for the enormous wealth of many hedge fund managers.

Risk and Return Dynamics

Hedge Funds: High Risk, High Reward Approaches

Hedge funds are considered to be high-risk and high-reward investment vehicles. The hedge fund industry is attracting investors who are willing to go through much higher risks to gain large amounts of money. However, the level of risk varies mostly on the hedge fund model of conducting business. The most important factors are investment strategy and risk management.

These are the common reasons why hedge funds are perceived as high-risk and high-reward investment vehicles:

  • Their use of diverse strategy approaches.
    Hedge funds can employ a wide array of different investment approaches. They can vary from conservative and low-risk investments to those that bring high risks. Additional risks when working with hedge funds are their use of leverage and derivatives. These strategies can amplify an initial investment, but can also cause massive losses
  • They are conducting active investment management.
    Hedge fund managers are usually actively managing investments. They are monitoring the market condition, and on those bases make changes in the portfolio. This can amplify the risks, or lower them. That depends on the goal of the manager
  • Aiming for absolute returns.
    Hedge funds attract investors that are looking for high returns. To achieve this managers push for absolute returns. To achieve them they often have to focus on high-risk approaches
  • Managers live from incentive fees.
    Unlike asset managers, hedge fund managers charge an incentive fee. This in reality means that the managers are ready to risk an entire investment process if they judge that it will result in massive gains
  • The exclusivity of hedge funds.
    To be able to invest in a hedge fund you must be a certified investor. To become one you must have a lot of money. These investors didn’t become rich by playing it safe. When they come to hedge funds, they want to earn serious money, and they are ready to handle the risk.

To be able to generate these high returns hedge funds have some unique techniques and approaches:

  • They have access to specialized information.
    Managers can get information firsthand and before individual investors. This gives them the edge and a better investment perspective. They can easily identify mispriced assets, and earn massive returns
  • Managers can take advantage of market insufficiencies.
    They can identify when the price of the security does not reflect its real value. To achieve this they utilize arbitrage. An arbitrage is buying one security in one market, and selling it in another, for a higher price
  • They can take contrarian positions.
    Hedge fund managers often buy or sell securities that are not valued on the market. This approach brings high risks. But, in case the manager makes a good decision the investment can bring massive returns.

Balancing Risk and Returns in Asset Management

In asset management balancing risks and potential returns is essential. Asset managers build investment portfolios on two primary principles. They want to achieve the maximum investment returns. But, at the same time, the risk levels must be appropriate for the investor. To create this investment climate asset managers apply several strategies.

The investment process starts by identifying the risk tolerance of the client. Understanding what risks are clients willing to take is essential for creating a custom portfolio. Managers also have to consider investor’s investment time horizon. A longer horizon allows the use of aggressive approaches, while a shorter horizon pushes the use of a more conservative approach. These questions for investors will have a major impact on exposure to markets.

To reduce and balance risk asset managers aim to diversify the portfolio. They invest in different asset classes like equities, currencies, real estate, and bonds. It is easier to cope with one asset loss than lose the whole investment. Managers use correlation analysis to define a correlation between different assets. To achieve higher diversification benefits, managers select assets with lower correlation.

Active management is important because timely rebalancing can save or even improve an investment. Rebalancing investment has a major role in keeping every investment’s risk-return balance.

To be able to identify the investment opportunities and risk levels managers conduct thorough economic and market analyses. They need to understand both macroeconomic trends and factors on the micro level. They can both influence investment performance and understanding these trends is essential.

Evolution of the Investment Industry

Growth and Transformation of Hedge Funds

The business model of hedge funds emerged in the 1940s. During the 1970s it developed a shape of an investment vehicle that we know today. In the 1970s the total AUM in the hedge fund industry was around $1 billion. That raised to an astonishing $3.8 trillion in 2023. This rise was driven by several factors, and among them, these were most influential:

  • Institutionalization of hedge funds.
    This marks the trend of hedge funds attracting high-net institutional investors. Those include mutual funds, endowments, pension funds, family offices, and other private investors
  • Globalization of hedge funds.
    Today hedge funds are not geographically limited. They are operating all over the world. They can invest in any market or security around the globe. This results in higher diversification of investment portfolios and wider investment opportunities. Globalization also attracted investors from all around the world
  • Investors are in search of alternative investments.
    Hedge funds are at the top of the list of alternative investment vehicles. They are a favorite because they offer potentially high returns and diversification of portfolios.

In recent years, especially after the Economic crisis of 2008, hedge funds went through a transformation process. Some of the key trends of this process include:

  • The rise of long-short hedge fund models.
    Hedge funds that take both short and long positions in securities are more popular than ever
  • Focus on risk management.
    After the crisis, investors have become more concerned about market volatility than before. That is why hedge funds invest more in managing risk
  • Development and use of technology.
    The use of quantitative methods to analyze large batches of data is a norm. That way hedge funds can conduct thorough analyses and lower the investment risks
  • Increased regulation.
    Regulators have become more concerned about potential risks that come with hedge fund investing. That is why hedge funds today are subjected to tougher regulation than before.

Asset Management in a Changing Financial Landscape

Asset management is significantly changing under pressure from different factors. The largest impact has been technological advancements, evolving investor preferences, and a rapidly changing financial landscape.

These changes are reshaping traditional asset management. It is pushing managers to adapt their strategies to new conditions. New strategies and approaches are allowing asset management companies to stay relevant and competitive.

Technological Advancement

The arguably biggest shift is the technological advancements. The development of artificial intelligence, and machine learning is pushing for big changes. These new technologies are opening new horizons to asset managers.

These technologies are allowing managers to analyze massive amounts of data. That makes the process of identifying trends, patterns, and correlations that were before invisible, available. With these new sets of information, managers can create gains with investors, while developing new sophisticated strategies. They can gather correct and updated information, thus minimizing investment risks.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are automating tasks that before were time-consuming. Tasks like data gathering, portfolio optimization, and trade execution took major time to conduct. Now, managers shift these processes to advanced technology executors.

These technologies can also help in creating customized investment portfolios. Based on the input of risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon, they can tailor a unique investment set.

Shifting Investor Preferences

These new trends also had an impact on investor preferences. Today investors search for investments that will align with their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values. This shift is increasing demand for products that focus on fulfilling these standards.

A new trend in asset management is that investors are looking to diversify their portfolios even further. Stocks, bonds, and currencies are okay, but they are looking for more. This is pushing asset companies to invest in hedge funds, private equity, and real estate.

The development of investment platforms is increasing the number of investors. They are using these platforms to research investment opportunities and learn about investing. This allows asset managers to track down new potential investors. They can offer them more convenient and accessible investment options.

Rapidly Changing Financial Landscape

The sudden and major changes in the financial landscape are also pushing asset firms to adapt. Some of the biggest influences on these shifts in the financial landscape are:

  1. Rising interest rates.
    With the rise of interest rates, it becomes more difficult to generate returns. This is forcing managers to develop new, innovative strategies to generate returns
  2. Increased volatility puts focus on risk management.
    Financial markets are more volatile than ever. This is making risk management very difficult for asset managers. To combat risk, managers must use more effort and utilize sophisticated risk management tools
  3. Increased geopolitical tensions.
    Geopolitical tensions are never good for the global market. It is rising uncertainty bringing different types of problems. With tensions in the global markets, it is more difficult to choose good investment options. Even if you make a potentially good investment, managing its risk and bringing solid returns is more difficult.

For asset firms and managers to succeed and improve their business they need to adapt to new trends and technologies. Without those, they are doomed to fail. They will not be able to sustain competition that is utilizing new, and modified approaches.

To position themselves better, asset managers are heavily investing in new technologies. With it, they are improving their investment process, risk management, and client service capabilities.

They listen to the client’s needs for tailored ESG sustainable investment approaches. Managers are constantly developing strategies that will focus on these investment goals.

The investor’s demand for even further diversifying investment portfolios is pushing managers to develop them. They are creating strategies to invest in alternative investments to provide access to a wider range of securities and higher returns.

Good managers are learning from online platforms. They are forming partnerships and collaborations with fintech companies. They are using their technologies and leverage to stay competitive. With these platforms, they are offering an easier approach to investing. Since investing today is more popular than before, this is a great source of gathering new investors.

With the constant shifts in the global markets, and increased volatility managers have to work harder on risk management. They are today working with specific risk management techniques. To further diversify portfolios and lower risk, they are tapping into new global markets.

The future of investments heavily relies on various trends and predictions. Those are constantly changing and shifting the landscape of global markets, technology, and finance sectors. It is difficult to predict the future of investments due to the many factors involved. But, based on the current situation, these themes will direct the investment industry in the future:

  • Digitalization and fintech innovation.
    Investment companies will increase their reliance on process automation. The use of Robo advisors that will provide algorithm-based investment advice will rise. Artificial intelligence will take a bigger role in data analysis and decision-making. The development of blockchain technologies will bring benefits like improved transparency and reduced transaction costs. It will also improve efficiency in fund transfers
  • Sustainable investing will become the norm.
    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors will become even more relevant. Investors are already prioritizing sustainability and using responsible business practices. That is leading to growth in demand for ESG investment products
  • Personalization will become the key to attracting investors.
    Investors will be looking for more customized investing portfolios. They will want to take a bigger role in aligning their goals with the goals of the investment companies. Fintech companies and online platforms will have more options to create a specially tailored portfolio
  • Emergence of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
    Decentralized finance that uses blockchain and smart contract technology will gain in popularity. These platforms will erase the need for a middleman while offering services like lending, borrowing, and trading
  • Cryptocurrencies and digital assets will become mainstream.
    These new asset classes will become major parts of investment portfolios. At what tempo the institutions will accept them, and in what way they will be regulated will influence their future. Also, a key factor for these assets is the development of infrastructure that will allow their use
  • The rise of interest in investing in alternatives.
    Investors will continue to look for ways to diversify their investments. The most potent way to do it is by investing in hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital
  • Regulatory development and focus on the investor.
    The events from the past will push regulatory bodies to further develop regulations. The focus will be on protecting the investors and ensuring market integrity. They will also have to pay attention to the development of new technologies. They will bring new risks, and it is essential to manage the risks that are associated with them
  • Improving resistance and preparing for the black swan event.
    Managers will have to put extra effort into investment stress testing. The focus will be on preparing for a black swan event. It can have a major impact on the global market and it is very difficult to predict it.

So, to summarize: the future of investments will likely be influenced by greater investment personalization. Innovation will have a major role in investment development and the focus will be on sustainability. Technology will continue to evolve, and it will pull the investor’s preferences. Investment managers will have to adapt to those shifts and adopt new technologies and strategies to stay on top.

Careers in Hedge Funds and Asset Management: A Comparative Analysis

Breaking into the Industry: Hedge Funds vs. Asset Management

Breaking into a hedge fund or an asset management firm is challenging but can be rewarding. Both careers offer opportunities to work in fast paced and dynamic work environment. As a manager, you will have a chance to make crucial investment decisions. As position and responsibility rise, so will potential compensation.

To be able to enter into this competitive niche, you will need a strong educational background. You should have an MBA, or a bachelor’s degree in economics, math, finance, or accounting. A master’s degree will do you a lot of good.

If you plan to take this career path you should start early. Before you graduate start building your business network. Attend industry conferences and events. Start investing on your own. Build up experience with the use of online trading platforms.

Since this career will demand constant adaption and learning, develop a habit of reading. There are whole bookstore sectors that are focused on the finance and investment industry. Learn from the best CEOs and portfolio managers. Subscribe to finance blogs and follow news relevant to the branch.

There are no major differences in junior positions in hedge funds and asset management. Yes, they sometimes use different approaches and tactics, but the foundation is very similar. You will need to adapt to long hours of analyzing large quantities of data. That is essential for claiming an investment.

Brushing up on programming skills is always a plus. Work on C++, Python, and R programming languages. They will make your life easier on a daily level. Follow up on new investment technologies like Robo advisors, and online investment platforms.

Also, if you are aiming for well-established companies it is good to have some previous experience. Those include work in investment banking, consulting, portfolio management, and financial analysis.

The main differences between hedge funds and asset firms are:

  • Size.
    Hedge funds are usually composed of smaller teams. Asset management companies employ more professionals
  • Investment strategies.
    Hedge funds employ aggressive and high-risk strategies. They aim to generate high returns. Asset firms use more traditional and conservative investment techniques.

From these differences, you can identify how it is different to start and maintain a career in either of these sectors.

Skillsets and Career Progression in Hedge Funds and Asset Management

Skillset Preference

To be able to have an upward career in hedge fund asset management sectors you have to comply with several conditions. Besides the educational background that we mentioned developed quantitative, analytical, and people skills are a must. This is the foundation, but to build a strong career you will need to work on several skill sets.

The first one is financial modeling. You should always focus on developing proficiency with financial modeling software. Most companies use Python, Microsoft Excel, and Bloomberg Terminal. These software packages offer advanced features like analyzing financial data, building investment models, and evaluating investment opportunities.

You should know how to conduct detailed investment research. This includes analyzing financial statements, industry trends, and economic indicators. These factors are crucial for identifying a potentially viable investment opportunity.

Possessing expertise in portfolio management principles is a much-needed skill. To be a proficient portfolio manager an individual must have a deep understanding of asset allocation, risk management, and performance attribution. With those skills, a manager can construct a portfolio that aligns with the company’s investment goals, and risk tolerance.

Another always valuable skill is quantitative analysis. Knowledge of mathematical and statistical techniques is essential for analyzing financial instruments. Often as a manager and an analyst, you will need to process historical market data. With these techniques, you can identify investment opportunities, and manage risk.

Besides technical and financial skills, possessing strong soft skills is critical. In these work lines, you will communicate daily with clients, colleagues, and service providers. This demands strong communication skills. Also, people skills will help you in developing a strong business network. Knowing the right people is sometimes a factor that will help you to achieve a specific goal.

Although working in these industries is very competitive, you must not forget that you are working in a team. Often to succeed in managing an investment demands cooperation. Without strong people skills, this can be an issue. You should develop a tolerance for stress because this career is fast-paced and susceptible to fast changes.

Career Progression

Career progression in hedge funds and asset management firms follows a hierarchal structure. To advance to the next level an employee needs to gather enough experience and knowledge.

  • Entry-level positions.
    When starting new employees assume the positions of analysts and associates. An analyst conducts fundamental research and gathers financial data. They also assist senior analysts with rudimental portfolio management tasks. An associate has a bit more responsibility. They are conducting in-depth research and with it preparing investment proposals. They are overall included in constructing a portfolio
  • Mid-level positions.
    A logical advancement from an analyst is the position of a senior analyst. These team members lead investment research and develop investment strategies. Their responsibility is also to manage portfolios of specific asset classes. A second mid-level position is a portfolio manager. They are controlling the whole investment process. They are making decision calls for most investments. Managers are responsible for monitoring the investments and managing risk. They are also tasked with maintaining communication with the investor
  • Senior-level positions.
    The final progression in a manager’s career is acquiring the position of head of portfolio management. They are responsible for overseeing the big picture. This includes monitoring the investments and making sure that they are aligned with the company’s strategy. They are making sure that the risk levels are in a range that is tolerable by all sides. Also, they are making investment decisions for major clients when large amounts of money are in question. Above the head of portfolio management is a chief investment officer (CIO). He is a top investment strategist. It is the responsibility of a CIO to create the company’s investment philosophy. His tasks also include overseeing investment decisions and managing the firm’s investment portfolio.

Compensation and Rewards: Hedge Funds vs. Asset Management

Compensation and rewards heavily vary depending on the location, size, and performance of the company. Individual experience and performance also play a crucial role.

Hedge fund compensation has two components, a performance fee and a management fee. A management fee is a percentage of assets under management. Managers usually receive 1.5% to 2% of AUM. They also receive performance fees in case their investment overperforms a pre-determined benchmark.

Asset managers usually receive a base salary that is mostly derived from their AUM. But, often their base salary is higher than the base salary of a manager in a hedge fund. On the other hand, the bonuses of huge fund managers are much higher. Asset managers can get an annual bonus in case that the company is performing well.

Talking about specific figures can be difficult due to constant fluctuations, and other factors. But, in most cases, hedge fund managers have significantly higher salaries than asset managers.

Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction in the Investment Sector

Creating a work-life balance is crucial for stressful and high-paced jobs in the investment sector. Long hours, large workloads, and a lot of stress will put a strain on everybody’s life. Finding a balance between demanding work, and fulfilling life goals is difficult. But, it is necessary to find it, so the job and the private life do not suffer.

Some major factors that are influencing the work-life balance in the investment sector are:

  • Long working hours.
    Tight deadlines, sudden new assignments, and deep analysis are often time-consuming. To fulfill the goals managers and analysts frequently have to stay in long after work. In periods when there is extra work weekends are rarely free
  • Changes in the workload.
    Planning can be difficult when you all of a sudden have a major investment to close. All sorts of unexpected tasks can add a new workload to an already full schedule
  • Performance-driven work environment.
    Working in the investment sector is highly competitive and driven only by results. Managers are not only competing with other companies but sometimes with their colleagues. In that work environment, high levels of stress will have an impact on work-life balance
  • Globalized work network.
    Most investment companies conduct business all over the world. That demands often travel which can cause a major disruption to a work-life balance.

But, not everything is so grim, because there are some approaches that everybody can try in practice. The best strategies to improve work-life balance are:

  • Defining clear boundaries.
    Set clear lines between work and personal life. That way you can avoid the intrusion of work into your personal life
  • Improve time management.
    Time for personal life is sacred and often too short. To allow yourself to have more time for personal needs, better manage your time at work. If you use your time on work more productively you will less frequently have to work overtime. Also, you may finish the job earlier and have some additional time for personal needs
  • Employ technology.
    This doesn’t mean to become fully dependent on new technologies. But, if it is utilized properly it can save solid amounts of time. Technology can be used to streamline tasks, delegate work, and automate processes
  • Create a network of colleagues and friends.
    They can provide you with emotional support that can help you get through the day. An enjoyable meeting with colleagues and friends is a major stress relief
  • Do not forget to rest.
    Take regular vacations to blow off steam. Use vacations to reduce stress levels and charge up before you return to work obligations.

When the work-life balance is in check that will contribute to overall satisfaction with the job. When an employee feels that he can have control over their life that increases their happiness. A happy worker is more productive and focused on the job. Some of the strategies to improve job satisfaction are:

  • Find a company with which you can align with.
    Analyse companies and identify those that share the same view of personal values, work style, and possibilities for professional improvement
  • Find a position that fits with your mindset.
    This can be tricky because sometimes you will have to do tedious work that you find unattractive. But, when you are in a position try to identify jobs and tasks that fulfill you
  • Do not get stuck in the same place.
    Always try to find a way to advance, either in the hierarchy or by finding appealing jobs. Work on your education, and always try to improve yourself. That will not go unnoticed. Then you can plan your career in a way that soothes you
  • Recognize and reward good work.
    When you notice that someone is doing something good, do not let it go unnoticed. Find a way to reward and appreciate good work. That is good for overall morale and will develop team spirit
  • Develop open and direct communication.
    When in doubt or concern do not be intimidated to share those feelings. Develop a relationship with colleagues in which you can seek support. This way both, you and others will work more effectively.


Can You Go from Asset Management to Hedge Fund?

Yes, you can go from asset management to hedge fund business. The switch is possible in both directions. Many managers and analysts have experience in both types of organizations. Switching between these sectors is compatible. Both company types work with investing in securities. The difference is in strategies and approaches, but the foundation is very similar.

Switching from asset management to hedge funds is very common, and the main reasons for it are:

  • Potential for higher compensation.
    Hedge fund managers in large funds often receive major bonuses. If the investments go well above the planned levels, managers can get very rich
  • Higher level of autonomy.
    Managers in hedge funds have more autonomy in their work. This is due to lower regulatory constraints when compared to asset management firms. Also, hedge funds often have fewer employees, and collectives are smaller. That pushes the managers into direct action taking much more often
  • Using a wider range of strategies.
    This can be stimulating to managers for two reasons. The first is the chance to master a wide array of investment knowledge. This can help every manager later in their career. The other reason is financial. Some strategies typically bring more financial benefits than others. This is especially the case for some higher-risk techniques that hedge funds often use.

If you are considering a career switch from asset management to hedge funds, a couple of things can help you in amplifying your success chances.

Although you are already working in asset management, which is relatively similar to hedge funds, you should build specific experience. For a career in a hedge fund, you should focus on investment research, quantitative analysis, and trading.

Hedge funds are using different investment strategies. Do a deep analysis of their investment approaches. There are many books written on the topic. Also, attending seminars and hedge fund events is a good place to start.

If you already haven’t built a strong hedge fund network, focus on it. A good word from a portfolio manager or an analyst can go a long way.

Is Citadel a Hedge Fund or Asset Manager?

A Citadel is a global investment firm. Their focus is on hedge fund activities. But, besides that, they also work as an asset management firm.

As a hedge fund, they utilize a quantitative approach to investing. They apply sophisticated algorithms and data analysis techniques to identify and use market inefficiencies. An asset management sector of Citadel is creating custom investment solutions. They primarily use long-only, and long/short strategies.

What Is the Difference Between Hedge Fund and Private Equity vs Asset Management?

Hedge funds, asset management, and private equity firms are all investment vehicles that pool capital from investors. They all use it to invest in different asset classes using varying strategies. The difference is in investment strategies, target investors, and regulatory requirements.

Hedge funds focus on generating returns with a focus on managing risk and creating alpha. Private equity revolves around investing in private companies. They buy a significant share of the company and take part in the management. They aim to improve the company from the inside and raise its value. Asset management firms manage various assets, with a focus on diversifying the investment portfolio.

Asset management firms come in different forms, like mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and separately managed accounts.

While asset management firms typically invest in liquid assets, hedge funds can trade in both liquid and illiquid assets. On the other hand, private equity firms trade in illiquid assets. The companies they buy shares into are privately held and are not traded on public exchanges.

Although there are clear differences between these approaches, sometimes companies use all of them. That is why it is in some cases difficult to put a specific company into a specific group.

Final Considerations

Now after reading this article, we hope that we answered all important questions relevant to the differences between these investment vehicles. They are so different, but also sometimes very similar. Investing in an asset management firm will come with lesser risk, but the returns won’t be as much hefty. Hedge funds will likely bring you higher returns, but the chance of losing your investment is also higher.

The main question is what is your investment goal? Once you answer that question, you will be closer to choosing your investment option. If you are planning to start a career in these firms, know that they are not so different. After some time you can also switch careers, because of the extent of similarity of these companies. In the future, we will go even more into detail about these topics, so stay with us!

HFA Padded

Jacob Wolinsky is the founder of HedgeFundAlpha (formerly ValueWalk Premium), a popular value investing and hedge fund focused intelligence service. Prior to founding the company, Jacob worked as an equity analyst focused on small caps. Jacob lives with his wife and five kids in Passaic NJ. - Email: jacob(at) FD: I do not purchase any equities to avoid conflict of interest and any insider information. I only purchase broad-based ETFs and mutual funds.