Half Moon Capital Ended Q2 With Positives In Both Longs And Shorts; Avocado Short Delivers Big Gains
Predrag Shipov
Half Moon Capital is a private investment manager focused on deep value and special situations investments. It was founded in 2011 by Eric DeLamarter, and it manages a diversified long/short equity portfolio.
The company’s investment objective is to constantly generate attractive, uncorrelated absolute returns in order to achieve long-term capital appreciation. At the same time, the company invests a lot in risk management aiming to minimize capital loss risk.
When looking at investment options DeLamarter and partners are opting for companies trading at a significant discount. The firm doesn’t have a specific industry sector they specialize in, but rather applies a generalist strategy to investing. By conducting a bottom-up approach managers are evaluating every position based on its qualities.
Half Moon Capital in their latest letter to investors, which Hedge Fund Alpha had a chance to analyze in detail, reported a gain of 3.5% net of fees during Q2. During the same period, the average net exposure of the portfolio was 69%.